It's Just Business

121. Rebrand You with Amy Nubson

Dana Dowdell and Russ Harlow Episode 121

How can I rebrand myself and my business? How do I create an authentic brand? We talk with Amy Nubson of Amy Nubson Coaching. Amy is an experienced business coach, marketing expert, and nationally recognized speaker and female entrepreneur. Amy's passion for rediscovering one's voice, vision, and purpose guides businesses and individuals alike to personal and professional fulfillment with the clarity, courage, and confidence to be successful through her Rebrand You coaching program.

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Dana Dowdell  00:04

Hi, Russ.


Russ Harlow  00:05

Dana, how are you today?


Dana Dowdell  00:07

I'm okay, how are you?


Russ Harlow  00:08

I'm doing very well. And I'm excited about our guest today.


Dana Dowdell  00:11

I am too, but I don't have to do the introduction.


Russ Harlow  00:15

I know I get to do that because I spent some time with our guests, Amy working with John Bates and the executive speaking program that I did last year. And so, our guest today is Amy Nubson of Amy Nubson coaching. Amy, thank you for being here.


Amy Nubson  00:31

Thank you for having me. This is a wonderful opportunity to talk with both of you today.


Russ Harlow  00:35

So tell us a little bit how you got into business and kind of how you kind of shaped Amy Knudsen coaching and got to where you are today?


Amy Nubson  00:44

Wow, yes. Well, I started out, you know, my childhood, an entrepreneur, right, I lived on a farm. So, I always knew this world of entrepreneurship, right? And then I thought, No, I want to go into corporate I want to do this whole world of that and hated it. Like hated every moment of it. And so, I knew as fast as I could, I needed to get out of it. So three years only in corporate I left and started my own business over 15 years ago, and have never regretted it for a moment, though. I won't say there wasn't challenges along the way. I have never regretted that decision. And I own a business with my husband, who people are like, how have you been able to work side by side with your husband for 15 years? And like, I can't imagine without him there. So, I got lucky, I guess. Um, but yeah, I made my way into marketing for the last 15 years. And now, I got so saddened by the people coming into my office crying, you know, with businesses talking to me, like, I only have $1,500, to my name, I don't know how to get business. And they would be like, crying in my office. And I was like, No, do not mark it, do not do anything, you know, keep your money. Please don't do that. And I wanted another way to help them, besides marketing before they spend money that they didn't have. And so I got into coaching, because I wanted to help that entrepreneur understand who they were marketing to why they were doing it. And so I started business coaching, because I absolutely, absolutely love people. That's why I got into marketing. It wasn't because of, you know, techniques and strategy with people. And so coaching allowed me to get back into that world.


Dana Dowdell  02:32

It's so interesting, I feel like we think we know marketing, because we are consumers of and then when you start a business, that's the lens that you look at marketing, through, like, I have to do all of these things and be all of these things. And it sounds like your philosophy is much different. Oh, can you go into that a little bit more?


Amy Nubson  02:57

Yeah, I think the marketing world in general has confused the consumer, and how to market yourself. And so, what happens is, we feel like we should do this. And we should do that we need to be there. We need to be there. And we needed to be there. If you think about it, that's a full-time job. To Market Yourself at all these areas you need to go and before you know you start to hate it. Most entrepreneurs I know are stressed out. They don't know where to go with marketing. And they forgot to have fun with it. Right? Yeah. So it's one of those things where step back and go, where are my consumers? How do I enjoy talking to them? What is fun about marketing, stay in there, just play in that area, because all the other effort is wasted. Usually, it's just noise.


Russ Harlow  03:50

What I loved about and what I learned a lot from you, when we worked with John, was your expertise is in helping people find their voice, like bringing out of them something that they didn't even realize was there. And then how does that kind of transpose into business and helping their brand and their business find their voice?


Amy Nubson  04:19

There's so many times where a lot of businesses play safe. You I came from the world of marketing, you know, in the career of when you had a persona, you had to look a certain way, right? I mean, winning the business 15 years ago, and it's taken me a lot a long time to shed that idea. But when you find your voice, it comes across in a completely different way. And you make connections even through the digital marketing, because you're really excited about being there. You're talking to who you want to you're telling the message you want so you're not hiding, or like avoiding what you really want to say That's the key to it. And when you're, I even created a program called your voice masterclass with a cohost, Rob verse fireman, Rob, he's a fireman out of Madison. And he's brilliant with words, and he's charismatic, and he has like all these amazing stories. And sometimes when I'm with him, I'm like, I feel so like, who am I? Because your 911 firemen, you know, like, he's done Iron Man's I'm like, like heaven. He's like, Amy, you are, who you are. And that's what we always have to remember we are us. And our stories matter, and they make us who we are. And if we shame it, or we play small in it, it's not showing up fully, and people for some reason, they don't know it, but they notice it. And that's the difference when you show up and you're like, This is me, I don't know, take it or leave it. But you know, I'm quirky and fun. And when I'm nervous, I giggle that's me. You know, it's awful, but it's me. And I gotta love every part of me, it'd be more I can show up fully.


Russ Harlow  06:10

Tell me a little bit more about that authenticity, because it makes sense to me. Because, like, in sales, everybody's like, Oh, you don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle, right? Because it's something they don't necessarily need. You're like, oh, think of that aroma, the smell. And you're, it's all flash in the pan kind of stuff. But when you when your message is 100% authentic, people recognize it, they might get tricked by the sizzle once or twice. But when you bring yourself you find your people, and that's what you want to work with, right.


Amy Nubson  06:43

And plus, when you sell the sizzle, they're not your ideal clients, and they usually turn out to be a bad project are a bad client, because it's not what you want. So why go after that? Right? Um, it's, every time I've fallen for it, right? I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I did I fell for it. This is not working, I should have known better. But we do that because we're human. And we get excited. And there is ways and techniques. Of course, the idea is you don't stay with that company, you move on. So why not to show up for who you are. I've always been a relationship sells, like, I never in my life and 15 years in marketing gave a presentation in my sales pitches. I was like, I don't care who I am. I care about you. Because I need to market you. This is just about my I have the skills and the techniques. And that's great. And I have the education and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, you know, like, whatever. Are we good fit? Who are you? What's your values? Who are you pitching? Like, I really paid more attention to who they were. And that created long term relationships. I have seen clients I started with 15 years ago. So that's what matters. And sometimes it's hard when you just like, where are the sales? Are they coming in? Where are they? It's like, just wait, they're coming. But if you feel your space, I learned this early on in my career, failures, phases, people you don't want to work with, you don't have room for the people you do.


Dana Dowdell  08:18

So you talk a lot about the three C's. Can you tell us a little bit about what those are and why they're so important in terms of figuring your shit out essentially, right?


Amy Nubson  08:31

Exactly. They came into my life in a moment where I needed them. Nine years ago, my husband was in a terrible car accident. And it took us down a really dark road where he couldn't work. He couldn't walk. And he was supposed to bounce back but didn't and left me in a spot in our business where I didn't know how to produce the work. Because that was more of the front end the sales, the design, I couldn't produce the actual website. That was way before WordPress, it would have been easier now. But I remember crying in my office and watching the snowfall going, please cover it all up. Please just cover it up. Because my gardens were mess, my yard hadn't been mowed. I just I couldn't do any more. And that same day, a client called in demanding a refund. And I couldn't I just could not give it to him because I was completely medically broke. We were denied medical insurance. And we were six figures in medical debt. And I had no idea what to do next. And so, as I sat there crying, I had to get real with myself and go what was my participation in here? What can I do about the situation? And who am I? And that was the key who Am I. And so, clarity? I first see came to my life of trying to discover what did I love to market just was who I had done like what I had been doing this whole time, but it wasn't who I was. And what did I love about it? What did I hate about it? So, I had to find out who I was, and rediscover myself through this really hard to situation. And while my husband was rediscovering who he was after this accident, and it wasn't easy, me our marriage was falling apart after 15 years. And we were both ready to walk away from everything. But when he figured out that, when I figured out the clarity of myself, I was able to finally move past some things and start repairing what had happened. And then I got the courage, that's my second see courage to take action. Before I was just sitting there and dealing with it and letting things happen to me around me. I had to take action, I finally had the courage to do so. And I started speaking up for myself and finding my own voice of who am I am, who am I going to be? And now what are the choices I'm going to make differently. And I'm telling my husband, like, I want to start transitioning out of marketing and be more of a coach. That's what makes me joyful. As I started that journey, and then, because of the actions and the clarity of self, I became more confident in myself. I was able to show up and have my voice be heard. When I was stifled just recently with a subcontractor. I was able to say this is not working, you're not hearing me. And I do not think we're a good fit. I want to terminate this relationship, that Amy in the past would have wrote out her contract and suffered. Because I made that commitment. And I was like, No way. This is not working for me. And we both agreed, and we went our own ways, right? It's little baby steps along the way, and moving forward, constantly moving forward with a clarity of self. So yeah, so it's clarity, courage, and confidence are my three C's that I live by all the time. And when I'm stuck in a bad moment, I work through them again.


Russ Harlow  12:21

How do people start to find that voice? Like, I have to imagine it's in a different place for every single person? How do you really help people dive in and find it?


Amy Nubson  12:37

That's the fun part for me is listening to their story. And then I'm like, there's more to that story. Can you dive a little deeper? There's just something I've always been able to the curiosity in me and recognizing there's more. And also, I've talked to a lot of women that discredit their stories. Oh, I'm just a single mom is no big deal. And I have this and this and it's no big deal. And like, it is a big deal. That's your life? Don't, don't squash it. That's part of your story. Let's dive a little deeper and see what that means. What does it mean to you to be a single mom? Or what does it mean to you to have a business that maybe makes $4 million? And what is the stress? What is the creativity? What is the excitement to have it? You know, like there's always a story. And when people are friendly, brave enough to see it usually has a lot of tears that come with it if it's really painful, but it's like an opening. And the shedding of this thing that they've kept in for so long or this wish they wanted and never been a better little ride to express it. And that's why I always love coaching for people that have stories or want to develop stories because it's hard to tell our own story until we have something else to bounce it off of. Tell me more. Oh, that's really interesting. One and John Bates is sessions. I was working with him. I was partnered with a guy in Colombia, this super gorgeous, really young guy, and I was like, oh my god, what am I gonna relate? Like, I don't know what I'm gonna relate to this guy. Like, there's this farm girl from Wisconsin, right? Um, he was I was talking to him. And I mentioned the story about the farm and he's like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, tell me more about that. Like a farm, the dairy farm that's boring, icky, and I want I boiled that part of my life. He goes, No, that's interesting. Tell me more. Because of that moment, I had read brought in the farm girl and me. I re rediscovered her and no longer ashamed that I grew up on a dairy farm. I was super ashamed of that moment because I felt like I was beneath everything. My cousin’s kind of helped me with that idea. So that's where we do, we just, we, there's those things a moment that are shameful, but they're really not. And other people help us recognize that they're interesting instead.


Dana Dowdell  15:13

It's interesting, I am a big fan of Brene Brown. And I remember watching her special on Netflix, and she, she was actually speaking about it in terms of her relationship with her husband. But she said that she reframes her anxiety in a way that's like the story that I'm telling myself. And I feel like that's a really good awareness to have, like, the story that I'm telling myself is that no one wants to hear my message, or the story that I'm telling myself is that no one will connect to this message. And I feel like I, I fall into that trap some time where I'm like, no one's gonna want to hear what I have to say, because it's already been said before. Or like, I'm just repurposing content in Dana's voice, but really, that's what people connect to. Right?


Amy Nubson  16:03

It is exactly what people connect to. Because your stories are yours, because you live them you don't have, you don't have to make them up. You don't have to, like, perfect them because of yours. And even though it's somebody else has said it over and over and over again, you know, I guess what in marketing, you tell you 15 touches before a sales Hmm. So why not tell the story again? It's okay, because it's in your flavor. It's in your voice. And it's your audience that is listening. That's why it matters. But we do talk ourselves out of it all the time. And every time I go up to do a speech or I go up, there's so many doubts that go through my head, I call it a doubt tornado, it just spirals down, right? And I'm like, Okay, how to get out of this tornado, I have to move through this. I asked myself a bunch of questions. Why am I afraid? What is the worst thing that can happen to me today? Okay, great. No, I'm not gonna die. Oh, no, a lot of my work ethic is because I thought, you know, when I grew up in a farm, things were what they would die, I still had that mentality, right. So I have to remind myself, I'm not going to die if I can't do this. Strange, it's logic does not make any sense. Logically, we still live by some of the rules we grew up with. And some of the thoughts or ideas that somebody put in our heads, even though we logically No, it does not make sense. So yeah, that our voice is ours.


Russ Harlow  17:39

So is there a counseling business coming in the in the near future as well?


Amy Nubson  17:45

Um, will rebrand you as one of my programs, and I do work with limiting beliefs, like what do you believe about yourself? You know, because that is a huge part of our, our inability to take the courage to take action. And it's also for us not to voice what we really, really want. And so, we stay where we are. That's what rebrand U is all about is, what do we believe about ourselves? What are we going to do about it? And the thing is, I can't change some of my beliefs. And I've realized that just isn't going to happen after 40 years of the same belief. But what I can do in the moment is make a different choice. Be aware of what's happening. And that's what rebranding is all about is helping you recognize and get clarity of who you are and what's happening. So, you can choose a different action and have the courage to, to step into that


Dana Dowdell  18:41

is interesting. We talked to Anthony Ayana Reno, back in episode 114, about how sales are broken. And you know, I think we think about sales of like fear based marketing. We talked to Troy Martin about that. And really, it's changing, but people still do marketing in a way of if I scare them enough about not working with me, they'll want to work with me. Or if I scare them enough about you know, what could happen if they don't do this? They're gonna want to work with me. Can you talk a little bit about why that No, like trust factor is so important in sales versus like the fear based marketing


Amy Nubson  19:27

Yeah, it kind of comes down to I mean, in marketing the always talking about the fear based I've never liked it. I've never really pushed it. I take the inspiration route. How can we inspire people to work with us? Yes, you have to bring in that message of like those doubts, those fears that are happening but what can you do about a How can you help somebody in a way that inspires them instead of makes them afraid? We are starting as a culture are starting to recognize that tech Make more quickly. And I do love that there's a shift in it. Because yes, there are some things that we do need to put for fear of like, I have a client right now that's talking about children's safety in schools, we do need to address people of what, like what could happen for the cybersecurity of children. Like what, because some people can't grasp the whole concept of it, right. So that's a little different, when you have to try to show the big picture. But not for my business. It's not about like, we're gonna use a fear technique, you know, because I want people to see their potential and want to grow more organically of who they are. And it's, they're perfectly fine and capable where they are, they don't have to do anything. But if you want to, oh, you know, you know, contact me. So I think marketing is one of those things where it works sometimes still today, for good reason. But there's always the power of the other side manipulation, the, the techniques that do work, and I've always been, I call myself an honest marketer, because I don't use those techniques. I see right through those most of the time, there are a few that do get me. But that's like, if you think of timeshare sales, that is harassment, and fear. And that who wants to be that, you know, like you absolutely hate your purchase, as soon as you walk out the door, right? Nobody wants that. You want a client that's happy and excited to work with you.


Russ Harlow  21:45

So I see the value so much, and it's so much less exhausting to just be yourself. You know, we talked about this before we started recording, and instead of trying to be the thing that you think people want you to be, you be yourself. Now that takes a huge burden off and I and it reduces stress. It's done so in my life and my business, but when how does it translate into helping your business and your culture at your, you know, with your employees and your team? How does it help kind of move your, your voice forward with your brand, and your business? And as you communicate with your clients and potential clients?


Amy Nubson  22:29

Yeah, typically, you want to really identify what your values are, or what is it your company stands for, because that helps you create your voice, right? Sometimes the company has a voice, but it still needs to kind of stay within who the business owner is. Because if you don't like the voice of the company, you're not going to be motivated to promote your company. That's just the honest truth. So no matter who it is your key employees, hopefully all your employees all share the same values to share that share the same vision. And because of that, then they all can voice their own stories within that vision. That's when it becomes really powerful. Because then you'll give each individual personal voice, but it all shares common ground. And that really starts with a company culture. And does that culture work? Is there trust in that company, and that's a big thing today is trusting in, in the employees, you know, we never were never really talked about, like back in the 90s or the 80s. Like, do our employees trust us, you know, like, that wasn't a thing that they focused on. And now they are and I'm so grateful they are because you're gonna have a stronger business, you're gonna have better workforce. And now you have a value and each person has a voice within it, because they trust you. So trust comes a really big into creating the right brand, and allowing people to have their voice be heard.


Dana Dowdell  24:10

I'm wondering if you could speak a little bit about why your personal brand is so important. Even if you're not a business owner, maybe you are, you know, a branch manager for a bank or, you know, a cashier at a grocery store. Like, why is having a personal brand and being aware of your personal brand so important across the board?


Amy Nubson  24:36

That's a great question. Thank you, Dana. for that. A personal brand is really just how do you want to show up? You know, it's nothing more than that. It's not like creating a persona. It's not like creating, you know, that's what, that's what TV does. We're not on TV. We're not actors, but we want to do a show of who we are and it means also deciding, like, what do I Want to share? Like, I don't share a lot of my private life like my, you know what I'm doing. And I don't feel like I have to share every moment on Facebook, I just don't. I love spending time with my nieces. And my nephews don't need to share that everywhere, right? I consciously make that choice because I share what I believe in. Like, I don't share my political values, like just isn't a platform where I need to do that, you know, so you have to kind of choose in your brand, where do you want to show up at. And sometimes there's consequences to that share, but it doesn't matter enough to you to show up there. I really just want to talk about positivity. And in, we are the opportunities that we get to have inside of sometimes our darkness. You know, I love encouraging people to move forward, move through those things, and I don't care what it is, whatever you're working through, we can go forward. And that's how I show up. That's when I think of like, my purpose becomes my brand. And then everything else is just bonus.


Russ Harlow  26:14

So, for someone who's listening now, and it kind of takes it from personal brand to kind of business brand. If, listen, I sell widgets, or I'm an electrical contractor, why does it matter that I have this special voice? Or that I have to? I mean, what does it matter? You have great widgets just by the great widgets.


Amy Nubson  26:35

Right? Oh, but humans are curious. They want to know; you want to know what's happening behind the curtain. I mean, we're not living in the world of The Wizard of Oz anymore, where it's just completely hidden from us. And we're like, what's behind the garden? No, we want we want companies to be open. And we want companies to share their stories share their employees stories. Why does that widget matter? Where did the widget come from? How was it produced? The consumers are so much smarter than we were back in the 80s and 90s, where we just kind of consumed it right? Now we want to know what was it Fairtrade? Like, is it shipped? Is it produced in America in America is it produced in another country where you know, they're, they're maintaining good values? You know, I have a client where everything is done ethically. Now, her products cost a fortune because they are done ethically overseas, you know, but it hurts her value. And I go, we need to share that. So people know why these boots cost so much, right? Because every step of the way, there is a value to it. But we can't buy that if we don't know that. And why keep it hidden.


Dana Dowdell  27:53

I feel like that goes back to the idea that being a consumer is so tied to emotions. Right? So like, I asked the question about fear based marketing, but and for some companies that might be the right way. I'm not a fan of that. But like, that is what marketing is supposed to do is connect to people's emotions. I just watched a thing this morning about a 2006 Saturn commercial. Like I don't even know if Saturn's are still manufactured at all. But the way that they the marketing commercial was about their messaging was when we build a Saturn, we think about the people not the metal that goes into building that that car. And it's trying to your you're checking into people's emotional spectrum, right?


Amy Nubson  28:49

Yes, my very background is graphic design. And it's when you take words and vision, some kind of visual element and you evoke emotion. That is the whole point product design to the poster on the wall for a band concert, it doesn't matter. Like it's all supposed to evoke an emotion. And as the designer or as the market, like the person that owns the company, you get to change the narrative of it. You get to control that right? If you want them to be sad, same thing is storytelling. Do you want them to be sad and connect on a very, like deep emotional or do you want them to be happy and light? Do you want to inspire? So really understanding the adverts from your voice to your marketing? What is the emotion you want them to feel? Because that is how you figure out what you need to do. And emotion we're are emotional people if we want to admit it or not. That's what we are. And that's how we connect.


Dana Dowdell  29:51

Russ tried to deny having any emotions for about three years. But this podcast has changed, changed and significantly right


Russ Harlow  30:01

I have emotions. I just don't have any feelings


Amy Nubson  30:05

that you want to share right?


Russ Harlow  30:07

Now I just don't have feelings, I can't be hurt. Nothing. So there you go data. So, here's the thing, right? Like, for me, this is this is an easy sell. Like, I totally understand this. And I don't even think we could scare somebody into trying to do this because it's that's how do we inspire people to kind of dive into this and maybe just open their mind a little bit to the idea that they might need to explore this idea some more.


Amy Nubson  30:42

The best way is to say, is there something in your life that you're not happy with? Is there a moment that you dislike? For me, it was public speaking. That's why I got involved with John Bates, because I was terrified of it. There was something I just needed to overcome. You know, and I knew I needed to get better at it because it was deep with inside me, it wasn't like I was afraid of it or ashamed of it. I just wanted to conquer it. And that's when it's, you know, that it's the time to do work on it. And the same thing with power of your stories, if you're emotionally connected to him, it may not be time to work through it or share it, you know, work through it and put it to the side. You have to be ready for personal growth. You have to be ready to tell your stories when you try to push it. That's when it doesn't work. You know, I remember telling my story that were very first time and I bawled my eyes out. I mean, literally, it was so horrible. I could barely get the words out. I'm like, Okay, I'm still dealing with this. And now I can tell it without like wanting to cry, still gets me emotionally charged. They don't cry. That's when you know, you're ready to express it. Yeah, that he can't force change. It does not work.


Russ Harlow  32:07

And now, you can be hired as a public speaker, which I find fascinating. Being definitely afraid of public speaking, which I find wonderful. So there's one other thing I know you mentioned it earlier, you do a masterclass on finding your voice. Can you tell me a little bit about that?


Amy Nubson  32:26

Yeah, firemen Rob. And I really wanted to give back with all the things we learned all the things we know. And we love seeing the progress that people make are those aha moments where they're like, I matter. Like that idea of realization, you could share something, and the inspiration that comes with it. So we created a 12, maybe 13 webinar series. And every month we go over something different. And this month is all about the clothes like how do you close a conversation? If you're like me, I used to ramble and ramble and ramble because I couldn't stand quiet. You know, so I had to learn how to close and walk away. So we just took all of these different elements and techniques and created PDFs for each and every single one of them. And decided we were going to share it. And now the webinars are all online for $25 for all the past ones, because we people couldn't make them. That was unfortunate. So we needed to put it on a platform. And so we had to charge a little bit just so we could make, you know, our money back from that. But we have q&a questions every month about what's happening. No, I'm and so like, you get to ask questions. You get to try out the stories you could ask us, you be coaching in the sessions. It's fun. We love connecting with people. And Rob is a fireman. So sometimes he gets stuck at the firehouse and I'm like, Okay, it's me today. And that's totally fine. Man works great.


Dana Dowdell  34:06

I just haven't acknowledged that I would exclusively I have really enjoyed this conversation, Amy, but I would exclusively sign up for that. Simply because of the fire man. You are you are you are playing into my emotions. And my. Yeah,


Russ Harlow  34:25

I was inspired


Dana Dowdell  34:27

I am fired.


Amy Nubson  34:31

First part, I remember one time we were recording one and I'm like, Rob, I was so off. He's like, Nope, we're not recording again. That's you. That was it? That was the moment I'm like, okay, you know, like, we're totally real. And sometimes we contradict each other in the conversation. We're like, that's why that we have to point of views right? And we honor that for real who we are. And that's you should be able to have a discussion with the people you work with. Yeah, and it is a nice thing that he is a fireman. And some of his stories are fabulous.


Dana Dowdell  35:06

I am gonna Google him after this, because I'm sure it looks fabulous too. All right, Amy. So we do a lightning round with all of our guests. So, this is where we ask you five questions about your experience being in business. So the first one is what is one thing that you wish you had known before starting your business?


Amy Nubson  35:25

How to listen, how to listen to people more how to just be more aware and quiet. I was the one that always kept talking, and kept moving forward without thinking. So that would have been great to learn sooner in my career.


Russ Harlow  35:44

It's good that you've learned it


Amy Nubson  35:47

wouldn't be here if I did.


Russ Harlow  35:49

All right. So what's your favorite way to market your business and with the marketing and your background? I'm curious to hear this one.


Amy Nubson  35:55

One to One interaction. I love talking to people, I love connecting with them and being able to actually engage in a conversation. For 15 years, we've always done word marketing, like a referral, their referral. And so that's my favorite way for like people.


Dana Dowdell  36:18

Rest and I like that too. That's how we met. That's our meet cute story. What's one business platform that changed your life? Oh.


Amy Nubson  36:32

Probably Asana because it got me organized. I had to learn organization skills, because as a creative person, I've been like, processed at all, in my husband's even worse. So learning asana and project management system really saved us so much time and energy and allows us to like have important conversations instead of like, are you doing that task? Are you doing that? I don't know. I thought I did it. You know, it's so much better.


Russ Harlow  37:04

Now, is there one business book that's impacted your business or life in the biggest way?


Amy Nubson  37:10

Playing big by Tara Moore. I love that book. When I read that I was just I almost was in tears going to write this for me. Like I seriously, it was like, I was so struck by it that I read it every year. I love it.


Dana Dowdell  37:30

And then when do you feel like you had made it?


Amy Nubson  37:34

Do we feel like we ever been awesome. I think there's elements of moments, right? You're like, yes, that was great. But then there's the next thing, right? So I would say I wouldn't say I've ever felt like I've fully made it because then I'm there's nothing to achieve. So I feel like there's many moments throughout my career. The biggest one was transitioning out of marketing and into coaching. That was a big moment for me, right? But I know there's bigger ones coming.


Dana Dowdell  38:06

Like your 10-week vacation in Europe.


Amy Nubson  38:10

Yes, spending 10 weeks in Europe, we're not working vacation because we are traveling nomadic entrepreneurs. And after five years and making that reality, we are flying out at the end of the month, and so excited


Dana Dowdell  38:23

for you. That's great. Um, Amy, let us know where we can connect with you find out more about what you do and hire you.


Amy Nubson  38:32

Yeah, so you can go to Amy Nubson and that will have all my programs because between rebrand you, your voice masterclass. And then of course, my marketing consulting, because I believe the, the entrepreneur should really be involved in their own marketing. And so that's where you can find me, the best way is to get ahold of me on my, through my website, there's, you know, I can sign up for an appointment there. I'm always happy and excited to meet people. And if I am not the right fit, I can hopefully help you find a place. That is.


Russ Harlow  39:08

Thank you, Amy. We I'm so glad that you were here today because I enjoy our time together. And I want to thank you for sharing with our listeners and taking some time to share your story, which is an important one, right? Because it's who you are. So, everyone out there as you continue to learn who you are. I know you've learned something here and if you haven't, there's somebody you know who can learn from this conversation we had. So I want you to share it. And I want you to get out there and let people know. You can find us on all the places that it's just business podcast. Remember, it's not personal. It's just business.